Kleinen Zeitung, 22.03.2024: PV-Invest is in the spotlight today in the Kleine Zeitung. Under the title ‘Spectacular projects by Carinthian photovoltaic pioneers’, the article highlights how PV-Invest is making a decisive contribution to the energy transition not only in Austria, but also in Slovenia, Italy and Greece through the construction of PV power plants.
You can find the full article in the Kleine Zeitung here:Spektakuläre Projekte von Kärntner Photovoltaik-Pionieren (kleinezeitung.at)


At PV-Invest, we rely on the power of the sun under the motto ‘Let the sun work’ to shape a green and sustainable future. By expanding renewable energies, we want to make a positive contribution to climate protection and at the same time offer attractive investment opportunities for our investors. You can find more information at www.pv-invest.com/invest

Together, we can create a sustainable energy future that will benefit not only our generation, but also future generations.

Medien & Investor Relations
Heidrun Quendler, BSc.
PV-Invest GmbH
+43 (0) 463 / 218073 – 23

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