Your bond for clean electricity
Moreover, photovoltaics is a growth market of enormous proportions. Ambitious climate targets and the growing interest in e-mobility are among the main drivers of this growth. In order to meet the rapidly increasing demand for environmentally friendly energy, PV-Invest is developing numerous additional power plant projects in various countries in Central and Southern Europe. Currently, the focus of the company’s portfolio expansion is on Italy, the region where PV-Invest built its first power plants.
Since 2009, PV-Invest has regularly offered the opportunity to subscribe to bonds with attractive, secure annual interest rates. This regular issuance of PV-Invest photovoltaic and power plant bonds enables the further realisation of our corporate vision: the construction and acquisition of new power plants that generate electricity sustainably – thanks to the power of nature.
What exactly is a bond?
The creditor is not only entitled to the repayment of the invested amount, but also to the payment of the agreed interest. The bonds of PV-Invest GmbH are fixed-interest securities, since the amount of interest is fixed from the beginning and is not tied to the occurrence of certain events.
The bond is generally considered a low-risk form of investment, as it has defined interest claims and a fixed repayment. Unlike shares, you know at the time of the investment whether there will be a return and how high it will be. The returns from bonds are taxed at the end of the investment period with the payment of capital gains tax, and no income tax is payable on top of this.

This communication is neither a prospectus nor an offer of securities or an invitation to make an offer nor a personal recommendation for securities of PV-Invest GmbH (the “Company”). An offer of securities of PV-Invest GmbH is made solely on the basis of a securities prospectus approved by the Luxembourg Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – “CSSF”) and notified to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – “BaFin”) and the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht – “FMA”) as well as the Final Terms applicable to the relevant issue. The approved / notified securities prospectus and the Final Terms have been published by PV-Invest GmbH in accordance with the statutory requirements on the Company’s website at and are available free of charge from PV-Invest GmbH, Lakeside B07, A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria.