Since its foundation, PV-Invest has stood for sustainable and profitable investments in renewable energies. A key part of the company’s philosophy is aimed at combating climate change and its consequences. Generating electricity using photovoltaics and small-scale hydropower is extremely effective and efficient, and the ecological footprint is small. On average, a PV power plant saves the same amount of CO2 in its first year of operation as is produced during the generation of the individual power plant components
Good health and well-being
Good health and well-being
Affordable and clean energy
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work andeconomic growth
Decent work andeconomic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Climate action
We always strive to develop ourselves in terms of sustainability and CSR. Therefore, PV-Invest has been a member of respACT since 2019.
PV-Invest was again assessed for corporate sustainability in 2022 by the Austrian rating agency rfu. With a rating score of +3.6, PV-Invest achieved an excellent rating result of “ab” and was thus able to confirm its very good initial rating. You can find the complete rating report here.
rfu is an Austrian company specialising in sustainable investment and in particular sustainability analysis. The best companies in this respect are awarded the status “rfu Qualified” and included in rfu’s sustainable investment universes.
In December 2019, PV-Invest was awarded the EFK Certificate for Sustainability. Find further information about the Energieforum Kärnten here.